Fayetteville Band Boosters
Fayetteville Band Boosters
The Fayetteville Band Boosters is an organization dedicated to supporting the Fayetteville Band Program by raising essential funds to ensure its continued success. These funds cover expenses such as band uniforms, banners, trip costs, band camp, and other necessities.
The Band Boosters also operate the concession stand during all 7th and 8th-grade indoor events, including volleyball and basketball games. Band students are encouraged to volunteer at the concession stand. Those who volunteer will receive a reduction in their band camp fees, with greater involvement leading to higher discounts.
The Fayetteville Band Program includes the Pep Band, Concert Band, Color Guard, and has plans to revive its Marching Band in the near future. Every parent or guardian of a band student is automatically considered a Band Booster and plays a vital role in supporting both the program and their student’s musical journey.
For questions or to learn more about volunteering opportunities, please email: fplsbandboosters@gmail.com
Board of Directors:
President: Rebecca Jordan
Vice President: Tiffany Forgas
Secretary: Danielle Gibson
Treasurer: Steve Jordan
Director of Bands and Choir: Cindy St. Clair