My name is Aric Fiscus. I am entering my sixth year as principal of Fayetteville Elementary School. As we enter the 2024-2025 school year we are excited to continue initiatives that are centered on delivery and mastery of core instruction. We are entering our third year of the MyView English/Language Arts/Reading Curriculum and the EnVision Math Curriculum. Teachers are very comfortable with delivering instruction using these materials. While many districts had to discard their previous materials to meet the new “Science of Reading” instructional requirements set forth by the State of Ohio, we were on the front of that initiative when we adopted the state-approved MyView curriculum three years ago. We are also entering into our third year of our building-wide Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) program. In that program every student in our building gets intervention based upon their mastery of skills. This gives us additional capacity to meet our students where they are in their academic journey. All of these are pieces that we use to get our students to the highest levels of academic success.
As far as building management, our pickup and dropoff procedures will remain the same. Our supply lists are also posted on our website so you can fully prepare your child for the upcoming school year. Finally, we invite you to attend our open house on August 12 from 5:00-6:30 so you can meet your child’s teachers and we can all kick off the school year on a positive note. I look forward to seeing you then.
As Always, Go Rockets!
Mr. Fiscus
Fayetteville-Perry Elementary Principal