School Wide Title I Program
Fayetteville-Perry Schools continue to have a Title I Reading program. Title I is a segment of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act that is funded by the U. S. Congress. Title I first originated in the early 1960’s and has undergone a lot of changes over the years. Funding is distributed through the Department of Education and is based upon several factors of the school district. All 620 school districts in Ohio receive Title I funds, and many non-public schools also receive funding for children who are eligible.
Students whose reading skills are below grade level who may not already receive intervention are given first priority to receive Title I services. Students’ reading ability is measured by a reading skills screener administered to all K-5 students in the fall. These scores, along with classroom data, are used to determine which students are eligible to receive Title I. Students in Kindergarten complete the AimsWeb Benchmark Assessment, a test administered by teachers to each student individually. Students in grades 1-5 and beyond complete the MAP test, a computer based test given three times a year. In addition to these assessments, students in grades 3-5 are also required to complete a state reading assessment.
Students who are selected for Title I receive intensive remediation with phonics and reading skills for 30 minutes each day. To improve students’ reading ability, Title I teachers and/or paraprofessional aides use research-based interventions, such as the Orton-Gillingham approach to reading instruction, Heggerty phonemic awareness exercises, Assisted Reading, Repeated Reading, the RAAC program, etc… Students’ progress is closely monitored, and based on the data collected, interventions may be adjusted as necessary.
Parents are an important part in helping each student to achieve reading success! Parents working with their children at home accelerate the growth of students’ reading skills at school. Thank you, Parents, for working with the school and for all the help you give to your children.
For any questions or comments feel free to contact:
Rebecca Vaughn, Title I instructor,
Paula Wiederhold, Title I Coordinator,
Aric Fiscus, Elementary Principal
at 875-2083