Good Morning Fayetteville Middle School
Hoagie Day is next Tuesday, we will be taking orders on Friday and next Monday, no orders will be taken on Tuesday.
Any 6th grader interested in Cheer Camp can pick up a form in the middles school office. Forms need to be turned in no later than Feb. 24th.
Students, there will be a Valentine’s Dance on February 24 from 6 – 9 pm. Dress is semi-formal, but must be school appropriate according to the school dress code. Cost is $15, in you do not dress semi-formal, $10 if you do.
The winter sports banquet will be held Monday, February 27th at 6:00 pm
Congratulations to the following students for advancing to the Brown County Science Fair. Odyn Murray, Jaxson Quickle, Pascal Stahl and Olivia Evans.