
Fayetteville Middle School


Good Morning Fayetteville Middle School and welcome back

Just a reminder that students should be using the restroom during their lunch. Students should report directly to class after lunch. Do not stop in the restroom.

Student just a reminder that when we return from Spring Break, we will begin State testing on Wednesday. On Tuesday, everyone will leave their Chromebooks at school to charge overnight. Make sure you have your chargers with you on Tuesday April 11th.

Tomorrow is Hoagie day, we will be taking orders on today during lunch.  No orders will be taken on Tuesday.

Student – this is a reminder that cell phones should be put away at all times during the day except during lunch time. No student should have earbud or headphones on during the day, except during lunch. Students should not be bringing drinks into the building unless they are in a container that can be sealed. Please do not bring Energy Drinks with large amounts of caffeine. Student should report to their classroom each morning and remain there unless given permission to leave by the teacher.

We would like to remind everyone of our PBIS strategies for the Hallways, Cafeteria, Restrooms, Gymnasium and the Buses. Responsible, Respectful, and Resourceful are expected by all students throughout the day.