1/28/20 MS Announcements



We want to congratulate the 7th Grade boys Basketball, even though the lost last night, they had a great season and we hope to see great things next year.

We would like to congratulate the 8th grade girls on their season also.  We look forward to watching you play at the next level.

Any 8th Grader interested in High School Cheerleading next year. Coach Snider will be here around 2:40 today to give out fund raising information.  If you are undecided, you can still attend.

The high school Cheerleaders will be selling Carnations for Valentine’s Day. All proceeds go towards Cheerleading uniforms for next year.  Cost is $2.  Parents, students, staff , and friends can purchase a carnation that will be delivered on the 14th during 1st period. 

Today is Hoagie day, cost is $4.00. All proceeds go to the Fayetteville Boosters