Kindergarten registration for the 2021-22 school year will be held on Friday, March 26 at Fayetteville Elementary School by appointment only. To request a time for an appointment you can fill out the registration appointment form by clicking here. You can also call the elementary office at (513) 875-2083.
As a reminder you will need to bring the following items to your registration appointment:
*Student’s immunization record
*Student's Original Birth Certificate
*Student’s Social Security card
*Photo I.D. of parent/legal guardian
*Proof of residence
*Custody papers (if applicable)
*open enrollment form (if applicable)
We can make copies of any documents if needed. It is not necessary for your child to attend the registration appointment. We will conduct student screenings at a later date. You will receive more information regarding screening for your child at your registration appointment.
If you have any questions regarding registration, or anything at all, you can respond to this email. You can also call the elementary office at (513) 875-2083.
We are excited to have your child join our Rocket Family for the 2021-2022 school year.