
Fayetteville Middle School Announcements


Good Morning

Students: masks should be worn at all times while in the building and we should practice social distancing whenever possible.  When you have finished your lunch, please put your mask back on.

The Middle School sports banquet is tonight.  Each sport will have individual times.  Boys Basketball – 5:00, Cheer and Cross Country - 5:30, Football - 6:00, Volleyball – 6:30, Girls Basketball – 7:00, Track and Field – 7:30

As we approach the end of the year, we would like students to start the process of cleaning out their lockers, leave your locks on the locker.  Make sure that if you have Library books, that you return them asap.  

Students: Exams will start next week.  Monday and Tuesday – English and Math, Wednesday and Thursday – Science and Social Studies

Student Laptops will be turned in on the May 21st, please make sure to have your charger also.

Have a great day and As Always … Go Rockets.