Fayetteville Middle School Announcements
Good Morning
This week the NJHS will be hosting a spirit week to raise awareness for Breast Cancer. Today is Twin Day(Dress in the same outfit as a friend), Friday is Pink-Out Day(Dress in pink to promote Breast Cancer Awareness)
The NJHS will be collecting money to donate to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The homeroom that donates the most money will win donuts for breakfast the next week. Mrs. Bradfords class is in the lead, followed by Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Workman, Mr. Basfrod, and Mrs. Fehring
There will be Boys Basketball Conditioning Today 4 -5:30
Just a reminder that this Friday is the end of the 1st quarter. I want to encourage all students to talk with their teachers to make sure all work is completed.
Picture retakes are Tuesday October 26th, if you want to have your picture retaken, please stop by the office and pick-up a form.