Fayetteville Middle School Announcements
Good Morning Fayetteville Middle School
We want to wish good luck to the 8th Grade Volleyball team as they travel to Whiteoak today, and at home vs Peebles tomorrow morning. Start time is 5:30 pm today and 10:00 am tomorrow.
7th grade students – Please return your immunization records to the School Nurse asap.
Teachers, if you have anyone who has not received their Chromebook, please let the office know.
Anyone interested in the joining the HERO league, please pick up an application in the office or see Mrs. Calvert.
Students, if you have school fees, please bring them to the office at this time.
Students, if you have the forms that need to be turned into the school, please return asap.
The MS Cheerleaders will be holding a fundraiser at SheBrews Coffee tomorrow from 11- 2.