This is a reminder that Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools is on a 1-hr. Late Start Monday, November 16th, 2020. Have a good weekend.
Tim Carlier
Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools

Please review the link below for information regarding mask!

I would like to thank our guest speakers Jean Schmidt, Adam Dozier, and Joe Huber for taking time out of their day to come speak at the Veterans Day Ceremony. I would also like to thank all veterans and active duty military for their service!
Kaitlyn Dawson

Fayetteville-Perry's Veterans Day Ceremony is live NOW on YouTube https://youtu.be/-ZPxoV8g1Aw and on NFHSnetwork.com
(create a free account and watch for free) https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/fayettevilleperry-fayetteville-oh

🏀HS Boys Basketball scrimmage @ Goshen https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/search/?query=fayetteville

Good morning,
Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools would like to invite the community members to join our virtual Veterans Day Ceremony tomorrow Wednesday November 11th starting shortly after 8:00am. To join the ceremony go to the school website and look for the YouTube link.
Thank you,
Kaitlyn Dawson
Student Council Advisor

🏀HS Boys scrimmage at HOME!

FPLS Parent/ Guardian, This is a reminder that there will be food pick up for remote learners today, 11-10-2020 behind the Elementary at door #33. If you are already signed up and can not make it to pick up, please call me. If you are not already signed up for the meal pickup and would like to be added to the list, please call me at 513-875-5096 or email me at cindy.phillips@fpls.us. Please leave your name and the number of kids you need meals for. Thank you Cindy Phillips Food Service Supervisor

There has been a menu change for the Elementary School for 11-10-2020. Instead of the chicken fajita meal, we will be having:
Chicken and gravy
mashed potatoes
green beans
fruit & milk
Thank you. Cindy Phillips- Cafeteria Supervisor

Congratulations to our High School Student of the Month for 1st Quarter! They each received a Certificate and Gift Card for Skyline. Congratulations!

REMINDER: 🏀📣🎳HS Winter Athletics Informational Zoom Meeting: Tonight @ 8pm. For all students participating in a High School Winter Athletic program (Basketball, Cheer, Bowling).
Topic: HS Winter Athletics Parent/Student Athletic Informational Meeting
Time: Nov 5, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 811 6760 0400
Passcode: F9KCGe

🏀HS Lady Rockets scrimmage @ Goshen. This scrimmage is on NFHSnetwork.com!! If you already have a subscription login to watch! This the same network used here at Fayetteville! All HOME HS Basketball games will be broadcasted on this network!

There will be a Junior High Winter Sports Athletic ZOOM meeting tomorrow, Wed. 11/4/2020 @ 8pm. If your child is participating in 7/8 Grade Basketball and/or Cheer, this is an important meeting.
Follow this link:
Angela Murphy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: JH Winter Athletics Parent/Student Athletic Informational Meeting
Time: Nov 4, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 0778 6157
Passcode: t6YGvM
If you have questions please contact Mrs. Murphy - angela.murphy@fpls.us or 513.875.5062.

Congratulations to Mr. Toby Sheets on winning the Jim Mootz Trucking/Fayetteville Hardware Staff Professional Development Day Raffle!

FPLS Parent/ Guardian, This is a reminder that there will be food pick up for remote learners today, 11-03-2020 behind the Elementary at door #33. If you are already signed up and can not make it to pick up, please call me. If you are not already signed up for the meal pickup and would like to be added to the list, please call me at 513-875-5096 or email me at cindy.phillips@fpls.us. Please leave your name and the number of kids you need meals for. Thank you Cindy Phillips Food Service Supervisor

This is a reminder that tomorrow, November 3rd, 2020 school will not be in session for students. Please make sure to cast your vote! This years voting location, November 3rd, 2020 is at Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools. You may enter where it states " Middle School" on the building. You will then enter the cafeteria for voting instructions. Voting times are 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Have a good day and as always....Go Rockets!
Tim Carlier
Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools

FPLS Parent/ Guardian, This is a reminder that there will be food pick up for remote learners tomorrow 11-02-2020 behind the Elementary at door #33. If you are already signed up and can not make it to pick up, please call me. If you are not already signed up for the meal pickup and would like to be added to the list, please call me at 513-875-5096 or email me at cindy.phillips@fpls.us. Please leave your name and the number of kids you need meals for. Thank you Cindy Phillips Food Service Supervisor

The 3rd/4th grade Super Bowl Game has been canceled due to a forfeit. Congratulations to the Fayetteville Rocket 3rd/4th grade football team on their 9-0 undefeated season and are now, SUPERBOWL CHAMPS. Due to the forfeit, there will be no send off parade tomorrow! Have a good evening and weekend!
Tim Carlier
Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools

Here are the winners of Officer Waddle's costume contest. There is also a picture of some of our staff members who dressed up. Also in that picture is Tammie Holden whose last day was today as she will be retiring after 26 years of service. Congratulations to Tammie!

Congratulations to Tammy Holden as she retires today from Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools! Thank you for the years of service and will be greatly missed!
Tim Carlier
Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools