Athletics 8/26/2020- 🏐JH Volleyball vs WhiteOak- 7th Won, 8th loss...⚽HS Girls' Soccer vs Ripley Loss 5-6 (Jordan Mechlin scored 2 goals,MaKenna Holden 2 goals,
Cassidy Feldhaus 1 goal)🏈JH Football vs Wilmington Win! Way to go ROCKETS!

Congratulations to the 7th grade lady rockets on their victory over whiteoak 🏐🚀

Congratulations to the Fayetteville Rockets for their win over the Wilmington Hurricanes, final score Fayetteville 26 - Wilmington 7

7th Grade Volleyball vs WhiteOak ! Fayetteville comes out on top with a WIN!

Rocket Family: The school year is off and running with our students in the school and those on the Rocket Remote Learning. We would like to take this time to mention a few housekeeping items. First, the school email system has been changed from office 365 to Google. The address is still the same, first.last@fpls.us . Students can log into GMAIL using the same username and password that they used for Office 365. As of September 4, 2020, students will no longer be able to access Office 365. If students wish to save any documents from their OneDrive, they will need to save them to an external drive and then save them to their Google Drive. Students on the Rocket Remote Learning, will need to log into the remote learning platform each day for at least 1 hour, for attendance purposes. Student attendance and progress will be monitored by a staff member at Fayetteville Schools. If any students are having laptop issues, please remember to open a help desk ticket through the school website. Let have a great year - And As Always … GO ROCKETS. James E. Herron Fayetteville Middle School Principal.

Good Afternoon! Spectator seating for today's Athletics. 🏐HS Volleyball @ North Adams NO LIMIT ON VOLLEYBALL SPECTATORS (SEE ATTACHMENT). ⚽HS Boys' Soccer home game today-spectator limit 4 tickets for each home player and 2 tickets for each away player.

Congratulations to the 7th grade lady rockets volleyball team on their win against Manchester!! Go Rockets 🏐🏐🚀🏐🏐

Please click on link from Superintendent Tim Carlier. And as always.... Go ROCKETS!

FP High School students grades 9 through 12. Welcome back tomorrow Rockets.
Please be aware of this change in arrival procedures. If you are riding the bus to school you will enter the building through the Middle School entrance. All students upon arrival will report to their first period class, you will not report to the gymnasium as you did last year. Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria.
If you have not picked up your schedule yet please do so in the cafeteria upon arrival.
Remember to bring a water bottle as the drinking fountains will be available only for water bottle fill up.
Once again welcome back, let’s make it a great year.
Rodney Wallace
High School Principal

Final first day information and reminders for Elementary students and parents can be found at the following link:

Good Morning! Today's Athletic events will be with limited spectators. For Soccer - 2 tickets permitted per athlete. For Volleyball 3 tickets permitted per athlete. The Football scrimmage is limited to 2 tickets per athlete. Names will checked at the gate. Due to capacity restrictions (Ohio Department of Health) other spectators will not be admitted to the events. Please read the following for more information.https://www.fpls.us/article/292621?org=fayetteville-perry-athletics

Congratulations to the 7th grade volleyball team on their first win against Bethel-Tate! Go Lady Rockets🏐🏐🚀

I want to welcome everyone to 2020-2021 School Year! I want to remind all parents who’s child is attending classes on campus, the first day of school is Monday, August 24th, 2020. For the students who are attending classes on the Rocket Remote Program, laptop and instruction pick-up is on Tuesday, August 25th, 2020. Please read details on the previous message. Have a good evening, and as always..... GO ROCKETS!
Tim Carlier
Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools

This message is for students of the Fayetteville-Perry Local schools that are enrolled in the Rocket Remote Learning Program.
Please pick up your students' laptop and Remote Learning information on Tuesday August 25 according to the following schedule.
Elementary students 8:30 to 10:30 am
Middle School 10:30 am to 12:00 noon
High School 12:30 to 2:00 pm
The drive-up pick up point will be behind the elementary school building at door 30. We ask that one person only leave your vehicle to pick up the laptop and please wear a mask.
Please drive carefully and as always....Go Rockets!
Rodney Wallace
Fayetteville High School Principal

*STUDENT-ATHLETES grades 7-12* All paperwork and Pay-to-Participate Fees for Fall Sports must be paid by noon tomorrow 8.21.2020 @ HS Office (open at 8am).
Handbook and OHSAA Mandatory Parent & Athlete Information: https://www.fpls.us/article/284305?org=fayetteville-perry-athletics
Contact Mrs. Murphy @ 513.875.5062 or angela.murphy@fpls.us with questions.

2020-2021 High school student schedules and locker information will be available for pick up in the HS office on Thursday and Friday from 8-2. If you did not complete a schedule request or need to complete a schedule change, please email heidi.greco@fpls.us for more information.

🏐HS Volleyball Varsity scrimmage vs Blanchester!

JV Volleyball scrimmage vs Blanchester

JV Volleyball scrimmage vs Blanchester

🏌🏼♀️Golf meeting tomorrow @ 5pm in the HS Cafeteria for any student grades 9-12 wanting to participate!
This meeting is for student-athletes AND parents. If you have any questions or concerns contact the Athletic Department @ 513.875.5062