Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to return laptops, textbooks, library books and high school schedules for the 20/21 school year in the MS gymnasium. You may pick up materials from lockers and art projects in the MS gymnasium. Please see the follow for times. Students with last names: 8:30 - 11:30 M - Z 12:00 - 3:00 A - L Just a reminder to please practice social distancing at all times while on school grounds. If you cannot make it to school during the assigned times, please call the appropriate school office to arrange drop off of items. Stay safe and as always ... Go Rockets. Middle School Principal James Herron
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
Seniors please see the following link for information about graduation. https://5il.co/g7fk FP High School Principal Rodney Wallace
almost 5 years ago, Rodney Wallace
Parent/Guardian, This is a reminder of the Rocket Meal Program Pick-Up and Delivery tomorrow, May 19th. The times are the same as in the past and please make sure your animals are put away during delivery times. Also, due to Memorial Weekend. Next weeks Rocket Meal Pick-Up and Delivery will be on Wednesday, May 27th. Also, we are going to continue with the Rocket Meal Program throughout the Summer! Thank you, have a good day, and as always.....GO ROCKETS!
almost 5 years ago, Tim Carlier - Superintendent
FPES Parents: Item pickup and dropoff will be tomorrow and Tuesday. Please enter the middle school gym at the south entrance. Any items left in desks will be available for pickup. You may also drop off laptops, textbooks or other items. Other info here: https://5il.co/fr5z
almost 5 years ago, Aric Fiscus
Congratulations to 8th grader Ainsley Beckler for getting a Superior Rating at the Virtual District Science Fair! She will be competing at the Virtual State Science Fair next week! Good luck Ainsley!
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
Ainsley Beckler
Attention Fayetteville FFA members: As you come to the school on Monday, May 18th and Tuesday, May 19th, on the scheduled times to drop off your laptops, be sure to stop by the Ag. classroom to pick up FFA Banquet certificate packets! To practice good social distancing, you can drive up to the side door of the classroom and you will stay in your vehicle. An FFA Officer will take your name and deliver your packet to you! Any questions, please contact Mr. Birkhimer. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Nathaniel Birkhimer
Virtual Student of the Month for April - Mr. Basford has nominated Ben Corsmeier as his Student of the Month, Congratulations.
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
Ben Corsmeier
Virtual Student of the Month for April - Mr. Basford has nominated Izabella Richey as his Student of the Month, Congratulations.
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
Izabella Richey
Virtual Student of the Month for April - Mrs. Haines has nominated Dawson Koller as her Student of the Month, Congratulations.
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
Dawson Koller
Virtual Student of the Month for April - Mrs. Haines has nominated Brant Crosley as her Student of the Month, Congratulations.
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
Brant Crosley
Virtual Student of the Month for April - Mrs. Workman has nominated Cadence Barber as her Student of the Month, Congratulations.
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
Cadence Barber
Virtual Student of the Month for April - Mrs. Bryant has nominated James Berger as her Student of the Month, Congratulations.
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
James Berger
Virtual Student of the Month for April - Mr. Frump has nominated Rachel Canfield as his Student of the Month, Congratulations.
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
Rachel Canfield
Virtual Student of the Month for April - Mr. Frump has nominated Ava Hickey as his Student of the Month, Congratulations.
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
Ava Hickey
Virtual Student of the Month for April - Mrs. Fehring has nominated Xander Burkhart as her Student of the Month, Congratulations.
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
Xander Burkhart
Virtual Student of the Month for April - Mrs. Dye has nominated Ryder Luncan as her Student of the Month, Congratulations.
almost 5 years ago, Jim Herron
Ryder Luncan
Today's Senior Spotlight is Nathan Deininger. Nathan will be attending the University of Cincinnati to earn a degree in Electrical Engineering concurrently with a Master's Degree through ACCEND and has also been accepted into the Honors Program. He plans on using these degrees to pursue a career as an entrepreneurial engineer with the goal of creating and bringing to market new technologies that positively impact the world. Nathan would like to thank the FHS staff, with a special thanks to Mrs. StClair for supporting her students by investing time beyond her daily responsibilities. He would also like to thank his parents for providing constant support, love, and encouragement. Congratulations, Nathan on all of your hard work. We are very proud of you. Great job, and, as always, GO ROCKETS!
almost 5 years ago, Heidi Greco
Hello there! This is Mrs. McFarland, Computer Keyboarding/Technology teacher for grades K-5. I just happened upon a great social studies website called MISSION US. https://www.mission-us.org/ It's an interactive way to learn US history. It looks like it would be appropriate for Grades 4 and up. You will have to choose a username and password to log in. Listed are the historical missions: --“For Crown or Colony?” puts players in the shoes of a printer’s apprentice in 1770 Boston, where they encounter Patriots, Loyalists, and the Boston Massacre. --In “Flight to Freedom,” players take on the role of an enslaved 14-year-old girl who escapes to Ohio and discovers life in the “free” North is dangerous and difficult. --In “A Cheyenne Odyssey,” players become Little Fox, a Northern Cheyenne boy whose life is changed by Westward Expansion. --“City of Immigrants” casts players as a Russian Jewish teen who immigrates to New York City in 1907 and becomes part of a growing labor movement. --In “Up from the Dust,” players navigate the challenges of the Great Depression and Dust Bowl as teenage twins struggling to keep their family wheat farm afloat.
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. McFarland
Parents of an Open Enrollment Student, This is a reminder to complete and return the Open Enrollment Application for your child to attend 2020-2021 school year as soon as possible. The Open Enrollment Application must be completed each year. You may click the link below for the Open Enrollment Application or may pick up a paper copy at the MS Foyer or the Board of Education Office Outside Box. You may email completed Open Enrollment Application to debbie.crone@fpls.us or drop it off at the Board of Education Office Black Drop box. Thank you for your time! Tim Carlier FPLS Superintendent
almost 5 years ago, Tim Carlier - Superintendent
High School Students: Remember to pre-order your 2019-2020 Yearbooks at the Link Below. The cost will go up next week! https://wpcgo.yearbookforever.com/qxGE8
almost 5 years ago, Miah Call